When you have a shared web hosting account, the service provider takes care of maintenances, updates and backups, but this is not the situation with virtual and dedicated hosting servers. If you need an independent machine because a shared package doesn't supply enough resources to support your web programs or you just need specific custom software to be running on the hosting server and it is not present inside the shared one, you may not have much choice regarding what sort of hosting you can take advantage of. While this may not be an issue in case you have practical knowledge, you may face issues in the event that you haven't had a hosting server of your own. That's the key reason why we offer a Managed Services solution which you could add to your server package at any time. It includes a range of things including weekly backups, OS updates and installation of third-party programs, so you will not have to spend time and efforts on such matters.

Managed Services Package in VPS Web Hosting

The Managed Services package is available for every single virtual private server which we offer and if you would like to take advantage of this additional service, you could add it with a few mouse clicks when you sign up or at a later point in time from your virtual private server billing area. The upgrade can be renewed once a month, so you can choose if you'll use it constantly or only once in a while if you need it. It includes various things that shall make the supervision of your web server much simpler - a weekly backup of the whole VPS no matter how much space you have used, regular monitoring of the running processes and rebooting if needed, weekly OS updates for superior protection and performance, and installation and troubleshooting of third-party programs. This way you can reap the benefits of the full capacity of a virtual server without having to worry about the technical part as we will assist you with any difficulty that you might encounter.

Managed Services Package in Dedicated Servers Hosting

The upgrade is available with all dedicated servers hosting which we offer and if you want to reap the benefits of all services it provides, you could add it with a click on the hosting server order page or every time you need it from your billing Control Panel. You could also choose if you'll employ this upgrade constantly given that it could be renewed individually from the dedicated hosting server plan. When you have critical info on the hosting server, we'll back it up regularly as fifty GB of disk space on an independent hosting server shall be at your disposal. Our administrators will also keep track of the machine at all times, install the most up-to-date updates for its Operating System and restart it whenever this is necessary. Because the Managed Services package features installation and troubleshooting too, they can also help you with any third-party software and set it up for you. This will allow you to use our machine even if you aren't really tech-savvy and you have not used a machine of your own before.